想把这里的技术博客也搬到某校内主机上去,仍采用Wordpress,无奈速度太慢了,尝试了各种优化提速的方法,比如采用缓存技术优化,比如采用php加速以及apache gzip压缩等等,完全不行。。。



基本原理是禁用了external HTTP access,翻译过来就是


i tried this and it helps me, my upgraded install from 2.6.x to 2.7 is now fast as the old installation. here are my modifikations.

Try disabling all external HTTP access:

1. /wp-includes/http.php
2. this on about line 210:

function request( $url, $args = array() ) {
global $wp_version;

3. Change it to:

function request( $url, $args = array() ) {
global $wp_version;

4. Save the file and upload to your host, Open the admin again and see how things fair, Report back on if its helped or not.